Thursday, April 24, 2014

Help Increase Employment Chances!

Today I met with two recruiters from a local company named ComForce. I had a nice experience with them. They have locations all over the US and this location seems to have good feel for the needs of the community. I will add them to my contacts and keep in touch. I have another meeting with a local recruiter tomorrow but in the meantime, I have to wade through some badly spelled and grammatically lacking emails from senders with email addresses that don't match the company they claim to represent.

As someone who has been with the same couple of jobs for may years, I was not familiar with the Applicant Tracking Software. The following article states that 75% of Qualified Applicants are Eliminated because they do not know the rules! As I read the article, I realized I broke at least three of these rules and will revise again tomorrow.

 TODAY'S LINK: Best Resume Writing Tips: Complying with the Applicant Tracking Systems

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